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中文摘要: 粮食安全是国家安全的重要保障。东北黑土区是我国重要的商品粮生产基地,在保障国家粮食安全中起到“压舱石”的作用。但由于该区域耕地的高强度、不合理或过度利用造成了严峻的黑土退化问题。因此,如何使黑土地粮仓高效、可持续地为国家粮食安全提供保障,是当前亟待解决的科学问题。文章系统梳理了改革开放以来黑土地粮仓的农业发展状况;在此基础上,系统总结了黑土地粮食生产可持续发展所面临的问题,并结合中央对东北地区农业生产要求,提出了协调粮食安全和生态安全、增强粮食生产可持续发展的相应对策。以期为东北黑土区农业可持续发展提供参考,为国家粮食战略部署、农业政策制定及国家粮食安全稳固等提供科学指导。
Abstract:Food security is an important guarantee of national security. The northeast black soil region is an important commodity grain production base in China, which plays a fundamental role in ensuring national food security. However, the highly intensive, unreasonable or excessive use of cultivated land in this region has caused serious black soil degradation. Therefore, how to make the Black Soil Granary to provide efficient and sustainable guarantee for national food security is a scientific problem requiring urgent solutions. This paper systematically illuminates the agricultural development of high-productivity black soils since the reform and opening-up. On this basis, the paper systematically summarizes the problems facing the sustainable development of grain production in the black soil region. Furthermore, to meet the requirements of the central government for agricultural production in Northeast China, it puts forward the corresponding countermeasures to coordinate food security and ecological security and to enhance the sustainable development of grain production, intending to provide reference for the sustainable agricultural development in the northeast black soil region, and offer scientific guidance for the strategic planning of national food industry strategy, agricultural policy making, and strengthening of national food security.
文章编号: 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
李保国,刘忠,黄峰,杨晓光,刘志娟,万炜,汪景宽,徐英德,李子忠,任图生.巩固黑土地粮仓 保障国家粮食安全[J].中国科学院院刊,2021,36(10):1184-1193.
LI Baoguo,LIU Zhong,HUANG Feng,YANG Xiaoguang,LIU Zhijuan,WAN Wei,WANG Jingkuan,XU Yingde,LI Zizhong,REN Tusheng.Ensuring National Food Security by Strengthening High-productivity Black Soil Granary in Northeast China[J].Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences,2021,36(10):1184-1193.
李保国,刘忠,黄峰,杨晓光,刘志娟,万炜,汪景宽,徐英德,李子忠,任图生.巩固黑土地粮仓 保障国家粮食安全[J].中国科学院院刊,2021,36(10):1184-1193.
LI Baoguo,LIU Zhong,HUANG Feng,YANG Xiaoguang,LIU Zhijuan,WAN Wei,WANG Jingkuan,XU Yingde,LI Zizhong,REN Tusheng.Ensuring National Food Security by Strengthening High-productivity Black Soil Granary in Northeast China[J].Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences,2021,36(10):1184-1193.