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中文摘要: 目前,人类社会面临全球变暖及由此引发的一系列严峻挑战。海洋作为维持地球生命系统的一个重要组成部分,在实现人类社会可持续发展目标中起着关键作用。印太交汇区作为地球气候系统中的热动力引擎所在地,其海洋状态及其变异在调节全球热量分配和气候变化中起着举足轻重的作用,是国际海洋观测计划的重点区域。文章通过回顾20世纪以来在印太交汇区开展的海洋环流与气候观测方面的国际计划,梳理该区域已取得的成果和面临的挑战。通过文献调研分析,进一步量化我国自“十二五”以来通过实施海洋强国战略,印太交汇区海洋环流与气候观测国际合作取得的长足发展,以及由此推动的我国在该领域的国际引领地位和丰硕的科研产出。结合近10年我国在印太交汇区海洋环流与气候观测国际合作及科考调查取得的经验与问题分析,提出了未来在该区域加强深海观测,开展多圈层、多学科领域交叉合作的国际观测计划框架,突出顶层设计和中国在其中的引领作用的建议,为我国乃至全球应对气候变化、实现可持续发展提供有力保障。
Abstract:Today, human society faces global warming and its subsequent challenges. The ocean, as one important supporting component of the earth's life system, plays a vital role in realizing the goal of sustainable development of human society. As the birthplace of the heat engine of the earth's climate system, the Indo-Pacific convergence region plays a decisive role in modulating the distribution of earth heat and climate change and has been the focus of international ocean and climate observation projects. This study aims to summarize the achievements and challenges in the international observation projects in the Indo-Pacific convergence region since the last century. Through a detailed literature investigation, the achievements and substantial progress achieved in the Indo-Pacific convergence region international ocean circulation and climate projects are further quantified under the strategy of Marine Power of China since the "12th Five-Year Plan", including the leadership of China in this area and solid scientific research output. Based on the recent 10-year experience in international cooperation and field expeditions in the Indo-Pacific convergence region, we propose a framework for future international cooperation through enhancing multi-sphere and multidisciplinary investigations, which can well support sustainable global development, tackle the climate change, and highlight the top-level design and leadership of China in fulfilling the goal.
keywords: Indo-Pacific convergence region ocean observation international project global warming multi-sphere synchronized observation system deep-ocean investigation multi-dispensary cooperation
文章编号: 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
WANG Fan,ZHOU Hui,WANG Jianing,WANG Lin,MA Yixin.Review and Prospect on International Ocean Circulation and Climate Observation Projects in Indo-Pacific Convergence Region[J].Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences,2022,37(7):939-953.
WANG Fan,ZHOU Hui,WANG Jianing,WANG Lin,MA Yixin.Review and Prospect on International Ocean Circulation and Climate Observation Projects in Indo-Pacific Convergence Region[J].Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences,2022,37(7):939-953.