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中文摘要: 贵州水城位于川滇黔集中连片特殊困难的乌蒙山区。这里曾是国家扶贫开发工作重点县,2016年底,贫困发生率达18.9%。作为水城的定点帮扶单位,中国科学院在脱贫攻坚阶段围绕当地生态环境及资源禀赋特点和产业基础,推进大批科技成果转移转化,因地制宜帮助水城打造特色产业,助推水城于2020年3月顺利退出贫困县序列。2020年,水城踏上了向乡村振兴的迈进之路。2023年,笔者团队赴水城调研后发现,中国科学院继续秉持科学精神,助推水城升级产业、提质增效,让水城在振兴之路上行稳致远。
Abstract:Located in the Wumeng Mountain region of southern China, encompassed with vast range of stretching between Sichuan, Guizhou, and Yunnan Provinces, Shuicheng, Guizhou Province, has long been plagued by karst landscapes, rocky desertification along with the poverty that comes with it. It used to be a national key county for poverty alleviation and development, and by the end of 2016, its poverty incidence rate still was 18.9%. As the designated support organization of Shuicheng, the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), during the battle against poverty, making use of the local ecological environment and resource, and its industrial foundation, promoted a large number of scientific and technological achievements transformation, and helped Shuicheng build characteristic industries in accordance with local conditions, which helped remove Shuicheng from the poverty county list in March 2020 successfully. In 2020, Shuicheng stepped on the road towards rural vitalization. CAS will continue to help Shuicheng upgrade its industries in a scientific way, improve its quality and efficiency, so that the county can go well on the road to vitalization.
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WANG Qian,YANG Liuchun,WANG Zhenhong,WEN Yanjie,WU Yinan,XIA Yong.CAS helps Shuicheng escape poverty, vitalize in scientific way[J].Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences,2024,39(2):408-419.
WANG Qian,YANG Liuchun,WANG Zhenhong,WEN Yanjie,WU Yinan,XIA Yong.CAS helps Shuicheng escape poverty, vitalize in scientific way[J].Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences,2024,39(2):408-419.