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中文摘要: 面对科技转型的巨大挑战、科技强国建设的紧迫需求,以及机构发展的强大惯性,中国科学院积极探索科技改革新范式,启动了一场审慎又坚决、局部又系统、一体又多元的结构型改革。文章结合《科技改革需要构建新范式:理论探析》一文提出的“结构型”科技改革新范式理论,简要介绍了中国科学院明确“抢占科技制高点”愿景目标、塑造多重结构性张力、构建双轨并行改革框架的顶层设计;进而,详细阐述了中国科学院综合运用建构、演进、涵育等多元改革模式,以重点实验室重组为重点统筹推进科研院所改革、以深化院士制度改革为契机牵引带动文化生态建设的改革实践 (以下简称“双轨改革”);最后,结合“J曲线”阶段理论系统总结了双轨改革的成效、问题,并提出了具体改革建议,强调中国科学院的结构型改革不仅是自身创新发展的必然选择,更是在科技自立自强和科技强国建设使命驱动下,为国家整体科技发展和改革转型做出的先行探索。
Abstract:Facing the immense challenges of sci-tech transformation, the national urgent needs for building a world power of science and technology, and the strong inertia of its institutional development, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) has practiced the new reform paradigm, and launched a prudent and resolute, partial and systematic, unified and diverse exploration of sci-tech reform. Firstly, based on the structural paradigm theory proposed by the preceding work, this study introduces CAS’ endeavor to clarify the vision of “seizing the commanding heights of science and technology”, shape multiple structural tensions, and build dual-track reform framework. Secondly, it presents the practice that CAS applied “constructivist”, “ecological” and “nurturing” reform modes to coordinate the research institutes reform by the reorganization of state key laboratories, and to drive the cultural and ecological construction by deepening the reform of academician system. Thirdly, it also summarizes the reform effectiveness and problems, and puts forward suggestions of the dual-track reform on the basis of the J-Curve stage theory. Finally, it is emphasized that the structural reform of CAS is not only the inevitable choice for its own survival and development, but also the pioneering exploration for the national sci-tech development and reform aiming at building China into a world power of science and technology.
keywords: structural tension key laboratories reform of research institutes reform of academician system academic culture construction
文章编号: 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
作者 | 单位 |
张月鸿1* | 中国科学院 学部工作局 北京 100190 |
蒋芳2 | 中国科学院 发展规划局 北京 100864 |
王雪2 | 中国科学院 发展规划局 北京 100864 |
陈光1 | 中国科学院 学部工作局 北京 100190 |
李晓宁2 | 中国科学院 发展规划局 北京 100864 |
ZHANG Yuehong,JIANG Fang,WANG Xue,CHEN Guang,LI Xiaoning.Building a new paradigm for sci-tech system reform: Practice of Chinese Academy of Sciences[J].Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences,2024,39(11):1919-1930.
ZHANG Yuehong,JIANG Fang,WANG Xue,CHEN Guang,LI Xiaoning.Building a new paradigm for sci-tech system reform: Practice of Chinese Academy of Sciences[J].Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences,2024,39(11):1919-1930.