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中文摘要: 科学技术普及(以下简称“科普”)是实现创新发展的重要基础性工作。2023年7月20日,习近平总书记给“科学与中国”院士专家代表回信,期望他们“为实现高水平科技自立自强、推进中国式现代化不断作出新贡献”。科学家是开展科普的“源头活水”,以院士为代表的科学家群体应该在新时代大科普战略中发挥更大的作用。文章在探讨科学家参与科普的价值和意义的基础上,从科学家开展科普的现状与形式入手,分析科学家开展科普的问题,并就新时代如何更好地发挥科学家群体的作用提出建议。
Abstract:Science popularization is the foundation for achieving innovation development. On July 20, 2023, General Secretary Xi Jinping answered the letter from 20 academician representatives of “Science & China”, hoping them “continue to make new contributions to high-level self-reliance of science and technology and Chinese style modernization”. Scientists, represented by academicians, should play an even greater role in the macro-science-popularization strategy of the new era, and they are the fountainhead of science popularization. This study, based on the discussion of the value and meaning of scientists engaging in science popularization, summarizes the status quo and format of scientists engaging in science popularization, analyzes the problems of this process, and finally proposes suggestions on how to function better for scientists in science popularization.
文章编号: 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
WANG Dapeng*,HUANG Rongli,CHEN Ling.Thoughts on status quo and approaches of scientists engaging in science popularization in the new era[J].Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences,2024,39(11):1994-2004.
WANG Dapeng*,HUANG Rongli,CHEN Ling.Thoughts on status quo and approaches of scientists engaging in science popularization in the new era[J].Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences,2024,39(11):1994-2004.