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中文摘要: 国际数字地球学会于2004年正式成立。在2024年迎来建会20周年之际,回顾与展望数字地球的全球发展意义重大。中国在利用数字地球技术应对全球挑战方面付出了积极努力并卓有成效。在中国科学院主导下,国际数字地球学会及其中国国家委员会正式成立,由国际数字地球学会创立的国际品牌学术会议、创办的国际一流学术刊物、搭建的国际重要资源网络,在全球数字地球发展历程中起到了至关重要的引领作用。国际数字地球学会是中国发起的国际组织中唯一一个加入国际科学理事会的国际科技组织,对中国创建有影响力的国际组织起到重要示范作用。面向未来,国际数字地球学会将继续以全球主导性战略为指引,以国家重大战略需求为导向,服务国家科技外交,为全球数字地球与可持续发展作出重要贡献。
中文关键词: 数字地球|国际数字地球学会|地球大数据|可持续发展目标
Abstract:The International Society for Digital Earth (ISDE) was inaugurated in 2004. On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of its establishment, it is of great significance to review and look forward to the global development of Digital Earth. China has made active efforts and achieved remarkable results in using Digital Earth technology to address global challenges. Initiated by the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), ISDE and its Chinese National Committee (CNISDE) were officially established. ISDE has been playing a crucial role in leading the global development of Digital Earth by organizing international academic conferences, publishing worldclass academic publications, and fostering important international collaboration networks. ISDE is the only one of the international scientific and technological organizations initiated by China to become a member of the International Science Council (ISC), which plays an important exemplary role in establishing influential international organizations in China. Looking towards the future, led by the globally dominant strategy and guided by the major national strategic needs, ISDE will continue to serve national science and technology diplomacy and contribute significantly to global digital and sustainable development.
keywords: Digital Earth|International Society for Digital Earth|Big Earth Data|Sustainable Development Goals
文章编号: 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
GUO Huadong,LIU Zhen*,WANG Changlin.Twenty years of International Society for Digital Earth: Review and prospect[J].Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences,2024,39(12):2131-2139.
GUO Huadong,LIU Zhen*,WANG Changlin.Twenty years of International Society for Digital Earth: Review and prospect[J].Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences,2024,39(12):2131-2139.