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中文摘要: 我国大食物安全面临日益严峻且复杂的多重挑战,粮食供需紧平衡、消费结构升级与资源约束交织。植物工厂是农业生产的高级形式,是摆脱“靠天吃饭”,应对灾害、战备、面向太空的多元化食物生产系统。然而,高成本极大地限制了植物工厂的应用和发展。人工智能的快速兴起将为植物工厂的创新发展与拓展应用带来新的契机。文章陈述了发展智慧植物工厂,建立多元化食物供给生产系统的战略意义,分析了植物工厂高成本的主要瓶颈在于一次性建筑投入大与折旧费用高,适生作物缺乏深度发掘与品种匮乏,生产过程高能耗与劳力成本,以及应用场景与产业模式狭窄等;指出人工智能在多元化食物生产、辅助育种、光源能源优化、精细环境控制、生产决策和任务管理等方面的创新优势,结合科学规划和政策引导,将打造多元化食物生产系统植物工厂的新生态。
Abstract:China’s food security is facing more and more severe and complex challenges, such as tight balance between food demand and supply, the upgrading of consumption structure, and resource constraints. The plant factory is an advanced scenario in agricultural production, a diversified food production system that gets rid of the constraints of “ask for food from the mother nature” and respond to disasters and wars, and is oriented to space. Nevertheless, the high cost greatly limits the application and development of plant factories. The rapid development of artificial intelligence will bring new opportunities for the innovative development and expansion of plant factories. This paper states the strategic significance of developing intelligent plant factories and establishing a diversified food supply and production system, and analyzes the main bottlenecks of high cost of plant factories are the lack of in-depth exploration of suitable crops and varieties, the high energy consumption and labor cost in the production process, the large one-time construction investment and high depreciation costs, and the narrow application scenarios and industrial models. It is pointed out that the innovative advantages of artificial intelligence in diversified food producing, assisted breeding, light source and energy optimization, precise environmental control, production decision and task management, combined with scientific planning and policy guidance, will create a new ecology of plant factories in a diversified food production system.
keywords: smart plant factory crop varieties for indoor farming LED lights precise environmental control big AI models
文章编号: 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
GONG Huaqin,JING Haichun,TAN Xin,WANG Xianhui,ZHANG Yucheng,LIN Rongcheng,YANG Mingyu,LIN Shuang,XIE Hualing,YANG Yanping,YE Shitang,LI Peng,KUANG Tingyun.Artificial intelligence innovation for smart plant factory to diversify its big food production functions[J].Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences,2025,40(2):338-349.
GONG Huaqin,JING Haichun,TAN Xin,WANG Xianhui,ZHANG Yucheng,LIN Rongcheng,YANG Mingyu,LIN Shuang,XIE Hualing,YANG Yanping,YE Shitang,LI Peng,KUANG Tingyun.Artificial intelligence innovation for smart plant factory to diversify its big food production functions[J].Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences,2025,40(2):338-349.