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中文摘要: 国际大洋钻探计划(IODP)是地球科学领域迄今为止历时最长、成效最大的国际科学合作计划,开始于1968年,已历经57年,至今仍在持续发展中,充满生命力。IODP在板块构造、气候变化、深海资源、防灾减灾、深海钻探技术等领域取得了诸多突破性进展,极大地推动地球系统科学的进展,造福人类社会。在发展过程中,IODP也造就了大批科学英才,45位科学家因此获得有全球影响力的奖项共68项,部分奖项被誉为“地学界的诺贝尔奖”。文章对IODP相关的杰出人才进行了统计梳理,包括历年首席科学家、发表论文居多的科学家、研究影响力较高(H指数)的科学家、地学领域重要奖项获得者,以期为我国大洋钻探事业人才培养目标的建立提供参考。
Abstract:The International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) is one of the most successful international scientific collaboration in the field of Earth sciences. The program began in 1968 and has been ongoing for over 57 years, continuing to develop and thrive. The IODP has made numerous breakthroughs in areas such as plate tectonics, climate change, deep-sea resources, disaster prevention and mitigation, and deep-sea drilling technology, greatly advancing the progress of Earth sciences and benefiting human society. Throughout its development, the IODP has also nurtured a large number of scientific talents, with 45 scientists receiving a total of 68 globally influential awards, some of which are known as the “Nobel Prize” of Earth science. This article provides a statistical overview of outstanding talents related to the IODP, including chief scientists over the years, scientists with a high number of published papers and high research impact (H-index), and recipients of important awards in the field of Earth sciences, offering insights for establishing talent cultivation goals for China’s scientific ocean drilling endeavors.
keywords: IODP scientific ocean drilling large-scale scientific project international awards for Earth sciences talent cultivation
文章编号: 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
PENG Tianyue,DING Wang,YUAN Ye,ZHU Benduo,HAN Bing.International Ocean Drilling Program: Outstanding talents and their scientific contributions[J].Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences,2025,40(2):380-396.
PENG Tianyue,DING Wang,YUAN Ye,ZHU Benduo,HAN Bing.International Ocean Drilling Program: Outstanding talents and their scientific contributions[J].Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences,2025,40(2):380-396.