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中文摘要: 文章在当代建筑学演进的国际语境中,探究了建成遗产在保护与再生前提下的传承问题,讨论了与建成遗产密切相关的原型理论及其发展脉络,提出了原型与原创关系的系列观点,概括了原型在现代建筑中的传承方式。此外,还进一步触及了中国古都结构原型在历史城市进化中的影响作用,并通过笔者主持的旧城保护与再生案例分析,讨论了建成遗产在“城市修补”中的再生和传承途径,以及历史环境在新旧共生中的再生策略。
Abstract:This article discusses the inheritance issues of built heritage under the background of its conservation and regeneration in the international context of modern architecture, and the development of the archetypal theories close to the built heritage. It presents a series of viewpoints on the relationship between archetype and innovation, comprehends the serious ways of inheritance reflected in modern architecture. Furthermore, it touches the influences of the Chinese capitol archetype on the historic city evolution. In addition, the author still introduces the approaches of built heritage inheritance in the historic city mending and symbiotic relationship between old and new in the historic environment.
keywords: built heritage inheritance archetype neo-classic modern-classic irregularity city evolution
文章编号: 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
Author Name | Affiliation |
Chang Qing | College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China |
Chang Qing.On Inheritance of Built Heritage in Modern Architectural Context——Theory and Practice Based on Prototypal Analysis[J].Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences,2017,32(7):667-680.
Chang Qing.On Inheritance of Built Heritage in Modern Architectural Context——Theory and Practice Based on Prototypal Analysis[J].Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences,2017,32(7):667-680.